Saturday, January 14, 2012

Happy Saturday

  Hope you all survived Friday the 13th!  I was kinda worried, I don't have a good track record with that particular date, so here is a funny story for you to make you feel better about your day.
  Long ago and far away, when I was a senior in high school I drove a '73 Chevy Impala.  Chocolate brown and built like a tank, but it was given to me by my dad, who had babied it, so it was in great condition.  I would take all three of my siblings and two or three other kids to school every day.  One particular day, Friday the 13th, we were about half way to school when I realized I had forgotten to go and get gas, and we weren't going to make it far without it.  I pulled into a driveway to turn around and asked my oldest sister how far away the ditch was and she said "Oh, it's way over there".  I backed up slowly back onto the road and THUMP!!!  My front right wheel had gone off the edge into the ditch!
  "Patti, I thought you said the ditch was 'way over there'!"
  "Oh, you meant THIS ditch?"
  So I tried going forward, tried going back, that car would not move!  I had to walk down to a friends house and get help.  Turns out the frame of the car was sitting on the edge of the cement and the car was truly stuck!  The wrecker had to pick it up and put it back on solid ground.  All of the commotion woke up the owners of the driveway I had borrowed, so I felt horrible about that, too.
  When I was finally able to go, I went straight to the gas station to fill up (for 95 cents a gallon!).  I finished putting gas in the car and reached in to get my wallet and heard RRRIIIPPPP!!!  My pants ripped!  UGH!!!  So, red faced, I walked in to pay so I could go home and change and realized I had left all of my money at home!  So I did what any teenage girl would do, I called my mommy!  Let's just say that I never made it to school that day, I spent the rest of the day in bed!
  So the next time you are having a bad day, just remember, it could always be worse!


  1. Hmmmmm I believe that story sounds familiar.

  2. Was this in 1976? In August of that year was a friday 13th and I gave birth to my oldest child that day at 12:12 past midnight. To me I see that day as a blessing. Isn't it funny how we view certain days? And I enjoyed your story, brought back memories of days with the siblings.

  3. Oh, Tia, in 1976 I was only 4! Mine happened in 1990. So happy to hear of better memories for the day!

  4. I remember that day very well!!! I got a call at work from the police dispatcher telling me they were calling it a car in the ditch and no one was hurt!! Not something I wanted to hear knowing you had all the kids in the car!! I remember how your daddy and his friends laughed after you left too! :)
