Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What the heck!

  I am getting a little aggrivated, I keep trying to post in comments and keep getting the message that my account does not have access to view the page.  What does that mean?  If you can help it would be greatly appreciated!
  Now on to what you really want to read about, lol.  This week is not going so good for weight loss.  The baby is sick this week and I feel like she is sharing a little too much, ugh.  Not only her illness, but I feel like I am never again going to be truly clean!  If you have or ever have been in charge of a sick baby I am sure you understand, I am her personal tissue and basic catch-all for anything she has, YUCK!  Needless to say, I am not feeling too hungry and have not really eaten or slept in about 3 days now.  On the bright side I think we are over the worst of it, so, hopefully, it is all going to get better now. 
  Keep up the great work and I will be back on track any day now.  Till tomorrow!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

my apologies

I am so sorry if I have not responded to your comments, I am having a problem posting comments, on other blogs and my own.  Hopefully it is just a glitch and will be resolved soon.  Thank you for taking the time to comment and hopefully I will reply soon

ready for a reset

  Hello, all!  t brings me great sorrow to tell you that I have not lost as much as I had previously thought!  I started having some suspicions about my scales accuracy, so I bought a new one and sure enough my old one was dying a slow, torturous, lying death!  I am so aggrivated, I had thought I was doing so well!  So I am restarting with conviction!  I am putting off changing my weight on MFP and not willing to tell you just how much I have gained back, but I will say that I did not gain everything back, thank goodness.  I will update you when I am back to where I thought I was, or I feel better about sharing my utter humiliation. :(
  I am changing up what I was dong before, I am not starting with pure protien, I am adding some veggies right off the bat, for instance I am having a grilled chicken salad for lunch, but only the non starchy veggies.  I have really been watching for sugar in the stuff I buy, too, and there is a LOT of sugar in way too many products that don't need it.  I know it's a whole conspiracy to keep us addicted to junk, it's just sick what the companies will put in food nowadays! 
  The good news is that I actually started yesterday and have dropped a few pounds already, mostly water, but I will take what I can get. :)  I am going to try to be more regular with posting and maybe start posting what I eat again.  So, I will check back in with all of you tomorrow and hopefully we will all have something great to share!

Monday, August 1, 2011

A little bit about couponing

  With that couponing show on one of my otherwise favorite channels, I have been asked a lot lately about one of my favorite hobbies- couponing, so I thought I would add something about it to my blog for everyone to read.  I am going to add a tab for my favorite couponing links and hope that it helps someone!   Before the couponing show, the reaction I got a lot was "Oh, you do coupons?  Well, that's nice, I just don't have time"  What!?!  That is the silliest thing I have ever heard.  Who doesn't have time to save money? Or "Oh, I just don't use anything that they have coupns for"  Really!?!  You don't use toothpaste, toothbrushes, deoderant, or shampoo?  How about milk, bread, ketchup or mustard?  Clothes?  Detergent?  These are all things that I can get for free or really, really cheap, but you don't use them?  Please don't stand too close :)

  Now, the most common question is "Have you seen that new show?  What do you think about it?"  I have given this a lot of thought and I really like, but don't like that show and I will tell you why.

  I like that the show is giving couponing a better public image and it is really improving the way stores are training the checkers on coupon policy, in the past that was pretty hit or miss on who knew what part of the policy.  That is all I like about the show.

  I DON'T like that it is giving people an unrealistic idea of what the average person can save at the supermarket.  I don't like that it is making stores change their coupon policy to be less consumer friendly.  I don't like that it is making the coupon companies put limits on the coupons themselves.  I don't like that it has created so many wannabe extremists who don't learn coupon etiquette first.

  I love couponing and have been at it for about 7 or 8 years now and I love teaching others how to save.  I can save 40%-90% on my grocery bill, but it does take some time to really learn the ropes and the right way to go about it, so be patient and you'll get there.  You also don't have to spend 60 hours a week or order 1000 coupons off ebay (which is illegal and being stopped), I spend about 2 hours every other week planning my trip and I only buy three newspapers every week for the coupons and it is plenty for me and my family.  I also give away a lot of the freebies to my friends and family because it really hurts for me to know they actually pay full price for stuff I get an abundance of, lol.
  Ok, now that I have all of that off of my chest, I am going to bed, it has been a long day.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.  If you would like clarification on anything, please let me know, I am tired and may not have been as clear as I hoped.  I will put up links sometime tomorrow.
Nighty, night!