Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Oh, barnacles!

  This is my son's favorite expression at the moment- Oh, barnacles!  Of course he is about to turn six, so Spongbob is his favorite cartoon, he just cracks me up, he is so cute and funny!  No, I am NOT biased, that is the absolute truth (wink). 
  Well, the good news is that all the crap I had over the weekend is melting away, I am back down again.  I worked out last night to Jillian Michael's Shred it with Weights, and I am a little sore this morning!  It is a tough and strange workout.  I have a secret envy of ripped gals, I would LOVE to have washboard abs, but I don't want to have to work so hard for them, lol.  I am trying to convince myself to really work out more often.  I know that if I could work out on a more regular basis, I could lose weight faster and look so much better, so I am working on it.  So do you have a workout secret?  Let me know how you get motivated!

Monday, May 23, 2011


  Sticktoitiveness, this is what I need more of!  It is so hard for me to stick to anything for very long and apparently, that includes longer than a week.  I had a horrible weekend.  I went to the movies on Saturday and saw the movie "Bridesmaids", which was SO funny!!  The language gets pretty horrible at times, but the actresses were great.  I know some people don't see anything wrong with foul language, but I was raised by a wonderful man who told me once that there is a whole dictionary full of words so why not try and use them all instead of just using a few bad ones all of the time.  You'll sound smarter and get a whole lot more respect.  Anyway, we also went to the in-laws on Sunday.  Dieting is so much easier when you can do it from home and SO much harder to keep up with when you are out and about.
  I got out some ground turkey earlier to thaw and am going to make up some burgers and grill them, then put them in the freezer so I can just heat up one at a time for lunches. 
  Well, we will see tomorrow how everything is going!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Great day!

  Today is starting out rather well!  Doesn't that sound all boring and proper? lol.  It's been a great morning, I am down to 252.8, so two more down for a total of 14.2 pounds lost since starting the Dukan! 


  I wanted to mention the My Fitness Pal counter on the right side of the page.  It is always saying I lost more than I claim on here and just wanted to tell you why.  I started that in November at a weight of 275, my post-baby weight, and I lost 8 pounds between November and April, when I started the Dukan.  I could go and change it, but I like knowing that I have come this far since Nov., so it will always be 8 pounds more than what I have here.  When I get to 225 I will post before and after pics from my 275 starting point!

In case you are wondering what my daily menu looks like, here is what I had yesterday-

Breakfast- Turkey bacon and eggs (chicken eggs, not turkey, hehe)

Lunch- grilled chicken leftovers

Snack- Sonic ice cream cone, NOT dukan approved, but I caved :(

Dinner- homemade turkey burgers on the grill, no bun (so YUMMY!)

 I hope you are all going to have a great day, check ya later! :D

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Let's move!

Ok, so today has been great so far, I woke up and I was back down to 254.8 ( had accidentally put 154! what a dream! I am awake now, hehe) which is a 12 pound weight loss since starting the Dukan diet last month and I am so happy about that.  I kinda fell off the wagon, got busy with tee-ball, dr.'s appointments and just all kinds of crazyness and just got frustrated with myself and not being able to stay on the diet with all of the running around I was doing.  Really these are all just excuses and I could have done better, but it was just easier not to, sad, right?  Well, now I am going to try and get back on it, I CAN do it, I just have to try harder!  One problem is that I quit walking in the evenings. My mom and I had been walking, she is doing the Mona Vie RVL diet and has lost 12 pounds herself!  She stopped wanting to go walking, so I went with my son for a few days, but then we just slacked off and quit going.  My mom and I have been walking again this week, except for last night, so hopefully we will start up again and keep at it!  I have also been trying to move more through out the day.  If I go to another room I dance, shake my hips, twist my waist, just move more.  Another thing is just picking up the baby and dancing with her, that's an extra 21 pounds to carry around and she LOVES it!  If I go upstairs I skip a step or take really wide steps.  Going back down I try to step slower, talk about hard to do, WHEW!!! 
  So let's get moving some more!  Let me know what you do.  Till tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I have more followers!

  Now I feel really bad!  I haven't posted in a while and gained new followers while I was gone!  Welcome and please feel free to post if you are doing the Dukan and how it is going for you!  As for me, I am staying steady, even though I have not been faithful.  I was pretty frustrated the past week and a half as I have a few pounds that crept up on me and would not go away!  However, with the end of tee ball season and a housefull of sick people, myself included, I did not realize that it is that very special time in a woman's life that I can do without, so today was much better and tomorrow will be even better! 
  Keep up the great work and leave a message letting me know all about you, I love meeting new people and hearing about others who are on this journey, or even if your just here cause I am such a great entertainer, hehe!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A new day!

  I haven't been on for a while, I got pretty frustrated because I could not stop the yo-yo of the same two pounds coming and going.  The good news is that I know that I can keep from gaining all of what I lost back.  I just needed a refresher and to review what I was doing wrong.  Having a candy filled holiday did NOT help. lol.   
  So here are the mistakes I made-

- not enough water!  This is very important!

- thinking "just one bite won't hurt"!  Just one bite almost ALWAYS leads to two or three or twenty!

- Not working out.  My body needs movement to burn calories.

- eating too late in the day!  I am not hungry at night, but love to snack, which is always a bad idea and the   wrong snack can lead to a painful night of heartburn and a painful morning of weight gain!

  I am going to come back to this list when I need it to remind myself.  Today I am back down to 11 pounds lost and hope to improve that number tomorrow.  Till then...