Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What the heck!

  I am getting a little aggrivated, I keep trying to post in comments and keep getting the message that my account does not have access to view the page.  What does that mean?  If you can help it would be greatly appreciated!
  Now on to what you really want to read about, lol.  This week is not going so good for weight loss.  The baby is sick this week and I feel like she is sharing a little too much, ugh.  Not only her illness, but I feel like I am never again going to be truly clean!  If you have or ever have been in charge of a sick baby I am sure you understand, I am her personal tissue and basic catch-all for anything she has, YUCK!  Needless to say, I am not feeling too hungry and have not really eaten or slept in about 3 days now.  On the bright side I think we are over the worst of it, so, hopefully, it is all going to get better now. 
  Keep up the great work and I will be back on track any day now.  Till tomorrow!


  1. I am having that issue also. I sent a test message to you and it went through but it won't let me do it for anyone else. I can send comments through my phone though with no problem. The is Angel by the way. I have to send the message anonymous for you to get it.

  2. well let's see if I can post anonymously.

  3. OOOOO, your right, well, at least we know we can post and the best news is that it's not just me, I really thought for a while that I had screwed something up, again! LOl Thank you Angel, and thank you for commenting. I have been trying very hard to comment on your blog, so I will go back and try as Anon.

  4. Angel, I can't post anon on your blog, so let me just say Congratulations! on your success so far! That is fantastic! (although you might want to recheck your weight today, a 100lbs loss is quite extreme. lol, I do that too though, accidentaly put in a 1 instead of a 2, hehe. Guess we REALLY want to get to the 100's huh?) I am going to be checking up on you so keep up the great work!
