Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A new day!

  I haven't been on for a while, I got pretty frustrated because I could not stop the yo-yo of the same two pounds coming and going.  The good news is that I know that I can keep from gaining all of what I lost back.  I just needed a refresher and to review what I was doing wrong.  Having a candy filled holiday did NOT help. lol.   
  So here are the mistakes I made-

- not enough water!  This is very important!

- thinking "just one bite won't hurt"!  Just one bite almost ALWAYS leads to two or three or twenty!

- Not working out.  My body needs movement to burn calories.

- eating too late in the day!  I am not hungry at night, but love to snack, which is always a bad idea and the   wrong snack can lead to a painful night of heartburn and a painful morning of weight gain!

  I am going to come back to this list when I need it to remind myself.  Today I am back down to 11 pounds lost and hope to improve that number tomorrow.  Till then...


  1. Congratultions on your weight loss, Becky. I am on Day 3 of the Dukan Diet. I, too, have gained weight after the birth of my little girl. This morning the scale showed me down 3 lbs, from 215 to 212. Thank you for your blog. It's awesome to read and makes me feel like I'm not alone in this. Good luck and keep up the good work :)

  2. Thank you and congratulations to you!! I hope you can come back and let me know how you are doing!
