Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 3

  Yesterday was day 3.  It is getting easier to not eat carbs, last night Bryce had a corn dog and before I would have taken a bite of it because I just love cornbread, but last night I didn't even want a bite, so the carb cravings are definitely diminishing, while this sentence just runs on and on, hehe.  I did run into a problem yesterday as I went to my moms and did not take enough protein with me.  I ate the few snacks I brought, but was still hungry, and the only thing she had was some natural cheese slices, which were zero carbs, so I went overboard on those.  We played Wii bowling, which is SO much fun and I almost had a perfect game!! I had nine strikes in a row!  I could not believe it!  Oh, and that was on the hundred pin game, which is the bomb!
  Ok, so back to the diet, I gained .6 lbs. this morning, which puts me at 6 lbs even of weight loss at 260.  I forgot to check my blood sugar, so will update that tomorrow.
  I am sure the weight gain has something to do with not enough available protein yesterday and not enought water consumption.  Also, at one point I was wrestling with my sister and  pulled a muscle in my back.  I woke up in a ton of pain today.  Oh, here is a funny, George forgot his keys this morning so at four o'clock in the morning he was ringing the doorbell to wake me up.  I guess he forgot his phone, too.  Anywho, when I finally woke up, I could not imagine who would be playing with the doorbell at  that hour, so I ran down the stairs to stop them before they woke the baby and slipped on the fourth step from the bottom and went down the rest on my backside!  That did NOT help my back feel better!
  Here is what I ate yesterday, not good apparently and am going to do better today-

Breakfast- Sonic bacon toaster, no bread! (I had to run some errands and got very hungry!)

Snacks- slim jims, sargentos natural sharp cheddar cheese slices, yogurt with oat bran and sweetener

Supper- Burger patties with cheese and a little mustard

  I did not really have a lunch so I just count it as a snack.  So maybe my small weight gain is partly due to not enough for lunch, I don't know, but I am going to try and do much better today, although I need to go to moms and get ready for our garage sale on sat.
  Another thing you are supposed to do on this, or even if you are not dieting really, is to walk at least 20 minutes a day.  I did not the first two days, but did get in a lot of housework, not that you would know it to look at my house right now.  Yesterday Bryce and I walked to his t-ball practice, which is not vary far, but better than nothing.  I need to get mom and sis back to walking every night.

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