Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dukan Diet

Ok, well, it has been a LONG time since I set this up and still have not done anything with it, so I will use it for my Dukan Diet tracker and maybe it will help somebody else.

So I started the diet yesterday, April 4, and it is going pretty good so far. If you have not heard of the Dukan diet, it is very similar to Atkins, which I tried to do and failed. The main difference, that I like, is that instead of minimizing carbs, you eliminate them altogether, the best you can. You can have all the protein you want as long as it is on the approved list and fat free or low fat, which you can find here. You are also to have a small amount of oat bran every day to keep things moving in the right direction, hehe.

So I started yesterday and here is what I ate-

Breakfast- bacon and eggs (bacon is cured with sugar and really not an acceptable food, but its what I had on hand)

Lunch-baked talapia with a little mixture of 0% greek yogurt and yellow mustard

Snack- 0% greek yogurt with my oat bran and a little sweetener

slim jims (probably not acceptable, but again, I had them on hand and am still trying to figure it all out)

Fat free Cottage cheese

Supper- Baked chicken breasts

I know that when I don't get enough sleep, I tend to gain a little weight, so yesterday morning I had gone up a couple of pounds, but this morning I am back down and lost a few more. I am going to put my weight in here and I expect you all to be nice about it, no mean jokes or I will take away your princess points! ;)

So my starting weight from yesterday is 267

Today's weight is 262.8, so I lost 4.2 lbs yesterday, but a lot of that is going to be water weight. On this diet you are supposed to drink a LOT of water! You can also have tea, coffee and sodas as long as they are sugar free. Oh, since I am also trying to improve my blood sugar I will start to list that also and this morning it was 127, so lots of room for improvement there!

You can go to the Dukan diet page and it will tell you your true weight for free.  It is more realistic than the whole government generalized one size fits all weight chart and takes into account your age, bone structure, pregnancies, etc.  According to this one, my true weight is 175, which is a good number to shoot for starting out.  The part that I really like is that it tells you a date that you will reach that goal if you lose 2 pounds a week.  So for me it says I should be in the "attack" phase for 6 days and lose 6 pounds, then in the "cruise" phase for 281 days and reach my goal weight on January 16, 2012!  I have to say that that really inpires me, to know that I can mark that day on a calender and if I can stick with it, I will be in a much better place!  The Dukan book doesn't come out in the US until later this month, but you can get a lot of information to get started now at different websites.  Here is one I really like and that has encouraged me to start.
  Well, I have to go and take care of Betty Rose, let me know if you decide to give this a try!

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